February 7, 2007

  1. Call to order at 5:07 pm
  2. Flag Salute
  3. A quorum was confirmed.

4. Minutes approved for December 2006 with changes
5.   Student Reports— Andrew Palacios
a. Today El Rancho High School hosted Career Day in the school gym.
b. Upcoming school events include the Book Fair during Teen Read Week March 7th.

  1. DAC – Esther Mejia
    1. The topic for the DAC meeting was Title I. Information included requirements for schools to be granted Title I funds and school accountability for the funds.
  2. Special Ed – Priscilla Linares
    1. CAHSEE testing took place Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. This test was only for 12th grade students who have not passed one or both portions of the exam. Approximately 65 seniors took the ELA portion of the exam 25 of which are Special Education students. Approximately 52 seniors took the Math portion of the exam 23 of which are Special Education students.
  3. Title 1 – Nothing to report
  4. GATE –
    1. The 2007 Advance Placement Report to the Nation was released to the press yesterday. In it, El Rancho is praised for achieving success in AP biology among Latino students. We are cited as having the largest proportion of Latinos scoring 3 or better in AP biology.
  5. Administration  - Priscilla Linares
    1. TeleParent is up and running. Teachers enjoy how easy it is to use.
    2. Parent Conference night: approximately 1300 appointments were made. 2nd mishap w/ progress reports. This was a district technology error. Reports sent home w/out grades. They re-mailed the 9th and 10th graders on Friday and the 11th and 12th graders on Monday of Parent conf. week.
    3. ER Pride Day: very successful – expected about 300 students and 600 showed up. We had about 30 teachers volunteer their time to this event. A lot of work was done, but not everything we hoped because many of our plants froze and could not be planted on that day.
    4. Academic Decathlon results: Final results will be given tomorrow at the banquet. Superquiz is one-half of one tenth of the overall score and it is an oral competition in front of an audience. In that portion of the competition El Rancho tied for 1st place with West High School.
  6. Separate or Action items
    1. School Plan for 2006-2007
  1. Public Comment
    1. Ms. Aguillon asked the school administration about the procedure for providing support to a teacher with classroom management issues. Mrs. Linares replied that teachers are regularly evaluated formally and informally. El Rancho High School also has two resource teachers that work with teachers who may need additional support in the classroom.
    2. Ms. Villon also complimented teacher Ms. Padilla. She was grateful for her constant communication regarding her son’s progress and was impressed by how much personal attention she gave to both students and parents.
  2. Agenda—next meeting will be Wednesday, March 7, 2007.
    1. School Plan  
    2. School safety and use of the dogs on campus
  3. Meeting adjourned at 6:50 p.m.