Flag Salute – led by Sydney Woo
Call to order
SSC Chairperson, Alfred Renteria called to order the regular meeting at 5:20 PM in the school library.
SSC quorum was confirmed by the school site secretary
SSC members in attendance
Parents- Alfredo Martinez, Teresa Villegas, Alfred Renteria, Alicia Villegas and Esther Mejia
Students- Maricruz Argueta, Sydney Woo, Mia Castillo, Francisco Garcia
Other School Staff- none
Certificated Staff- Martin Martinez, Freddy Larrache, Mary Helen Welch-Ebert, Raul Elias
Administration- Sam Genis
      Visitors in attendance- Debbie Goodall
IV. Election of Officers
Mr. Alfredo Martinez nominated himself for Chairperson. He was elected.
Mrs. Teresa Villegas nominated herself for Vice –Chairperson. She was elected.
Mrs. Esther Mejia nominated herself for Secretary. She was elected
Esther Mejia nominated Mr. Alfred Renteria Jr. for Paliamentarian. Mr. renteria accepted the nomination and was also elected.
Mr. Alfredo Martinez was appointed the DELAC Rep. and Teresa Villegas the DAC Rep.

Mr. Genis motioned/ Mr. Martinez seconded the meeting adjournment.

Chairperson Alfred Renteria adjourned the meeting at 5:35pm.
Minutes respectfully submitted by:  Sam Genis/SSC Secretary for the night