May 5, 2004

  1. Call to order—5:08 pm
  2. Flag Salute
  3. A quorum was confirmed.
  1. Minutes were approved
  2. Student Reports—

a.   Prom was on May 1 and was well-attended

b.  ASB elections were held

                  Brandon Longoria who has been class president for the last three years won ASB President

c.       Sacramento trip went well

d.      Cinco de Mayo Carnival went extremely well—4 groups sold out

  1. DAC—nothing to report—no meeting
  2. Special Ed.—not represented
  3. Title 1—Nothing to report
  4.  GATE—
    1. Began articulation process between TEAM classes
    2. Received AP Challenge grant
    3. This Friday is the first AP European History test
    4. AP Statistics was taken today
    5. 2 ½ times the number of students are taking the AP tests as ever have before
  5. Administration

a.       STAR Testing begins May 11th

                                                               i.      Staff has been working with students to get them to take it seriously

                                                             ii.      Every 1st period teacher received a roster of their students that contained the scores for each student from 2002 and 2003

                                                            iii.      Teachers have volunteered to mentor students whose scores have dropped significantly in the last year to give them guidance and make them feel connected outside of their teachers.  We ask them to bring their scores back up to where they were or even to surpass those scores

                                                           iv.      School is providing lunch to students who have shown the 10% most growth from the 2002 test to the 2003 test

  1. Parent Project—

a.       Parents’ Project grant was awarded

b.      Aurora Villon was commended for her presentation to the committee

  1. Sue Schatz—
    1. Regional director of After School Programs
    2. Program teaches classes that are disguised as other things (e.g., woodworking class that teaches math)
    3. 21st Century Community Learning Center’s grant          

                                                               i.      some components are aligned with NCLB Act

                                                             ii.      money ranges from $100,000 to $250,000 a year for 5 years

    1. suggests we do surveys with parents, students, teachers, and community members
    2. School Site Council formally supports the school’s application for the grant
  1. Tomorrow night is Parent Conference Night
  2. Scholarship Fundraising
    1. Someone from the council needs to talk to Julie Ellis about how to set up a fundraiser through the Activities office (and Carolyn Martens?)
    2. Frank Moreno will donate $500
    3. A parent fund may need to be set up
  3. Scholarship Dessert is next month
  4. Project Fair is June 3rd
  5. Public Comment—
    1. There are traffic problems during the drop-off and pick-up times at the school, and police officers and deans are standing around talking while the students are in danger
    2. Drugs are intense on campus
    3. Student stayed home on an unofficial Senior Ditch Day; attendance did not call parent for a month to verify the student’s absence
  6. Agenda—
    1. The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, June 2nd
  7. Meeting adjourned at 6:59 p.m.