School Site Council Meeting Minutes 5/6/2009

I.          Flag Salute – led by parliamentarian James Halley  

II.        Call to order

Dr. Aurora Villon called to order the regular meeting at 5:06PM on 5/06/2009 in the school


III.       SSC quorum was confirmed SSC members in attendance: Parents-David Angelo, Esperanza Angelo, Alfredo Martinez, Esther Mejia,  Sarita Mota, Antoinette Paez, and Dr. Aurora Villon. Student members- Genesse Carrillo, Bo Guillen and Taylor Torres, Classified Staff- none. Certificated Staff- James Halley and Judi Gollette Administration- Sam Genis

Members who sent regrets: Frances Nguyen and Charlene Brown Visitors in attendance:

Rachel Canchola, Monserrat Solis, Manuel Cervantes, Guadalupe M., Angela Guillon,  Maria Cervantes


IV.       Approval of minutes from last meeting

School site council members individually read the April 1st meeting minutes. David Angelo

motioned/ Alfredo Martinez 2nd the minutes be approved as read. Motion carried and passed.

V.         Student representative report- Genesse Carrillo, Bo Guillen, Taylor Torres, Steve Ramirez

reported the following: a) Prom to be held in Huntington Beach. Tickets are almost sold out . b) Cinco de Mayo Carnival went well. c) Dodgeball Tournament “Papa Smurfs” were the winners. d) Teacher Appreciation week.

VI.       DAC report- Dr. Aurora Villon reported there was no April meeting. Next DAC meeting will be held in June.

VII.      Special Ed- Mr. Genis shared there will be 5 weeks of summer school for Special Ed and that counselors would be meeting with students to make sure classes met their needs.


VIII. EIA/SCE-No report.

  1. GATE-No report.
  2. Administration-Mr. Genis  reported the following:


a.)        Reminded the school site council that there would be a FBI “Terrorist Take Over “drill on Saturday May 16th and that the high school would be closed the entire day for the extensive drill. 

b.)        Shared that the track boys “Distance Medley Relay Team” are currently ranked 6th in the nation and were invited to compete at Nike Nationals track meet in June to be held at North Carolina. Track funds will be used to cover the trip expenses.




c.)        Disseminated a handout for the “Rio Hondo Early College Academy” for 2009-10. A cohort of 9th and 10th graders would be selected at the end of the month. A Rio Hondo representative will meet with school staff for a presentation next Monday. Program will begin next school year.

XI. Separate Action items:

a)         Bilingual Resource Teacher Presentation – Mrs. Guerrero concluded her presentation to the school site council.

b)         Summer School- Mr. Genis shared summer school classes were approved by the district. He also shared that the “Jaime Escalante” rigorous math program would held in the summer for selected group of students.

c)         School Site Council Nominations- Mr. Genis shared that nomination letters were sent out to incoming 9th grade parents so that they could have the opportunity to nominate themselves to be on the ballot for the May SSC elections. There was also an announcement on the school website. Rachel Canchola and Pat Gomez nominated themselves via letters submitted to the school office.  Aurora Villon and Antoinette Paez requested their names to be put on the ballot when nominations were opened to the floor. Voting will take place at May 13th parent conference night.

XII. Public Comment-

a)         Sarita Mota shared “Noche De Novelas” workshops held on Friday’s.

b)         Angela Guillon requested the headphones and translator to be brought back to future school site council meetings. She also requested “gang awareness” parent workshops. Mr. Genis replied that he is working with Sheriff Department to bring Deputy Alvarado for a possible workshop.

c)         Mr. Genis shared Project Fair would be held on 5/28/09.

d)         Esperanza Angelo would like more graduation tickets.

e)         James Halley suggested the high school look into the JPL open house that is held in May.

f)          Toni Paez, vice president of the Don Booster club shared $10,000 was raised for student scholarships.

g)         Dr. Villon thanked Mr. Genis, school site council members and visitors that attended the school site council meetings throughout the school year.


No Agenda forecast. Next meeting will be held on  September 2


James Halley motioned/ David Angelo2nd a meeting adjournment.

Dr. Aurora Villon adjourned the meeting at 6:25pm.

Minutes submitted by:  Esther Mejia/SSC Secretary

Minutes approved by: