Flag Salute – led by Mr. Genis
Call to order
SSC Vice-Chairperson, Alfredo Martinez called to order the regular meeting at 5:06 PM in the school library.
SSC quorum was confirmed by the school site secretary
SSC members in attendance
Parents- Pat Gomez, Alfredo Martinez, Esther Mejia, Teresa Navarro David Narvaez, Alfred Renteria Jr., Teresa Villegas, and Sarita Mota (ELAC)
Students- Ana Blass, Eric Calderon, Amber Hernandez, Joelene Rodriguez, Nathaniel Zaragoza
Classified Staff- none
Certificated Staff- Raul Elias, Freddy Larrache, Mary Chapman
Administration- Sam Genis
      Visitors in attendance- Gonzalo Alvarez, Aurora Alcaraz, Maurilia Susana Castaneda, Marla
      Cy, Jose Castillo, Debbie Godall, Martin Martinez, Eva Ochoa, Gloria Palomera, and Luz
      Sent regrets- none
Approval of minutes from last meeting
School site council members individually read the May 11th meeting minutes. Alfredo Martinez motioned/ Debbie Godall seconded approval of the meeting minutes.
Information/Discussion Items


       First days:


    Class Updates:

    School Issues:

     Upcoming Events:

Separate Action items

  Public Comment

Agenda Forecast

Esther Mejia motioned/ Alfredo Martinez seconded the meeting adjournment.
Chairperson Alfred Renteria Jr. adjourned the meeting at 6:32pm.
Minutes respectfully submitted by:  Esther Mejia/SSC Secretary