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Many of the form's data fields can be filled in before printing them out.

ERHS New Student Registration

These forms are for NEW STUDENTS only. Returning students need to re-register for the 16-17 school year through parent portal More

Registration Checklist:

Bring all SIGNED AND COMPLETED registration documents to the school at your student’s assigned time according to the schedule above.
Traer todos los documentos de registración FIRMADOS Y COMPLETOS a la escuela a la hora asignada de su hijo de acuerdo con el calendario de arriba.

____**Emergency Card (Required for all students).
     Tarjeta de emergencia (Obligatoria de todos los estudiantes)

___ Diploma Card (Required for 12th grade students only).
     Tarjeta de diploma (Obligatorio de los del 12 grado)

___ Request to withhold Directory Information Form (Required for 11th & 12th grade students only).
      Petición para no revelar información en el directorio (estudiantes de los grados 11 y 12 solamente)

___ **Notice of Guidance Office Guidelines & Procedures (Required for all students)
     Aviso de Normas y Procedimientos de la Oficina de Orientación (Obligatoria de todos los estudiantes)

___ **Publicity and Photo Release Form (Required for all students)
     Publicidad y Publicación de Fotos (Obligatoria de todos los estudiantes)

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